Fly Back In Time
Jun 10, 2009
God Wants Me to Serve THEM?
Simple answer to that question: Yes. I know, I know...they don't serve you. And when they do, you hear about it for weeks because they expect something in return. Admit it, you do it too when you are nice, or when you serve one of your siblings. I do.
Do you remember the story of the mother of Zebedees sons? It's found in Matthew 20 and she came to Jesus with a request. Now, from the way the passage was written, obviously her two sons had put her up to making this request, simply by the fact that they were standing there when she made it. She asked Jesus that her two sons be allowed to sit on his right hand and on his left hand when he established His kingdom. This woman and her two sons thought that His kingdom would be established here on earth with Jesus somehow overthrowing the government and starting His own reign. Little did they know what God had in mind.
Jesus answers her question with a statement and a question. "You don't know what you are asking." In essence, you're a fool. He then asks, "Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?" This is a clear reference to His death. Can they drink with Him the cup of God's wrath? They answered, "We can." Again, a clear indication that they actually have no idea what He is talking about. They still think He is referring to an earthly kingdom. Jesus goes on to tell them that only God can do that. Only He has absolute authority to grant such a request as the one they were making.
When the other ten disciples heard about this they were upset with the other two. After all, they were asking to be counted more privileged than the the others, to be made great and to be recognized as superior in Christ's kingdom. Jesus called all the disciples together and tells them, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them." What he is saying is that the rulers of this earth exercise their power over those under them, they "lord" it over them and bend the people to their will. He clearly tells them, "Not so with you." You are not to be this way with others, making them serve you and do as you say simply because you are in authority. "Instead, whoever wants to be great among you..." Yes, Jesus? I want to be great! How do I become great? "...must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave--just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
I can just see their faces deflate, like a ball that has been popped and all the air rushes out of it. Not only are they to serve, but they are to be slaves. Slaves. How counter-cultural is that! This day and age we are told to push as hard and fast as we can to make it to the top, to make the most money, to retire young, to not be seen as weak and frail, even if we have to walk all over people to do it. Forget serving your parents! Forget serving your siblings! Forget serving anyone! Serve yourself. That is the only way to be successful, to be great. That is, great to the world and by the world's standards.
If you want to be great by far more important and lasting standards (hint: God's standards) you must be a slave, one whose only purpose for living is to please and serve others. Jesus points to Himself as the ultimate example. Even GOD himself did not come in human flesh to reign in power and glory on an earthly throne, with princes and kings bowing to him, and slaves rushing around seeing to His every need. After all, that is what the disciples thought was going to happen. Instead, He points to Himself as the Son of Man, the one who came to serve and not be served.
Rather, He was going to make the ultimate sacrifice, be the ultimate servant, be the only thing standing between us and God's wrath poured out against sin. He was to stand in our place, lay down his life, and ransom our souls from God Himself and the just penalty of our sins...hell.
If this is not motivation enough to cause you to want to serve your siblings, I don't know what will do it for you. I haven't even mentioned the rewards that you will get in heaven. I haven't mentioned how it can transform your relationships with your bothers and sisters. In fact, both those reasons are remarkable and exciting. Who doesn't want rewards in heaven? Who doesn't want to have fun and fulfilling relationships with those closest to them? Like it or not, you are stuck with these people for the rest of your life. Why not make the best of it and live in peace and harmony with your siblings?
Look, it can be as simple as making your brothers bed for him. Or helping your sister with her homework. Or babysitting your sisters kids a hundred gazillion times without getting paid. Or noticing that your brother didn't do his part ofcleaning the kitchen and is instead watching Sportscenter so you do his portion for him. Can you tell I've done all those things?
The other half of these scenarios is tattling on your brother to your parents that his bed isn't made, and can they please tell him AGAIN to make it. Or telling your sister that you are too busy, and she needs to be smart enough to figure out her Biology homework herself. Or that your sister needs to find another babysitter outside the family, whom she has to pay, because you've already babysat for someone else this week. Or getting mad at your brother and telling him to get off his youknowwhat and get in the kitchen NOW to finish his stupid chores. Can you tell I've done these things as well?
I have, and the results were vastly different each way I handled them. When I get angry and upset, guess what? My siblings get angry and upset! When I keep my mouth shut and serve them, guess what? They usually don't notice, but when they do, they are blessed and thank me. My motivation for serving shouldn't be to be noticed (Matthew 6:18), but to serve them, serve God, and obey Christ's call to be a slave to be great.
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